Year 6 2024 - 2025

Welcome to our Year Six Page!

We look forward to sharing our Year Six journey with you this year and we aim for our children to have a fabulous year with us. We are fortunate enough to be supported in class by Mr Davies and Mrs Foo. Our class will continue to use SEESAW to update you on our journey, alongside this class page. 

Homework tasks will be set weekly on a Thursday and will need to be completed by Tuesday the following week. Spellings will be set on Spelling shed and we enourage the children to practise them daily. Children will need to wear their PE kits every Thursday.

Children's home reading will be closely monitored and it is extremely important that they read for at least ten minutes each day. Please support your child and continue to share the pleasure of books with them at home. The children are already enjoying story time in class. 


Our current book is 'The Great Food Bank Heist', written by Onjali Rauf. We will also enjoy 'War Horse' by Michael Morpurgo and 'Room 13', written by Robert Swindells during the Autumn Term.


Please continue to support us, as we progress on our Year Six journey.

Best  Wishes, 

Mrs Geraghty

Year 6 Teacher

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C.E. Primary School

Hough Green Road, Widnes, WA8 4PG