Reception 2024 - 2025

Our Reception teacher is Mrs Murray and she is supported in class by Miss Martin.

Welcome to Reception's class page and a very warm welcome to our school for our new starters. We are very excited to be working with you and your child throughout the year. We are a happy class with lots to share so please make sure that you keep an eye on your child's Seesaw account/ our class Twitter page to see what we have been up to!

We will also keep you updated with what we will be learning each half term in school on our class page. There will also be some ideas for fun activities you can do at home based on each theme. You will find these topic webs in the files section. 


Just a few reminders...

  • All uniform needs to be clearly labelled with your child's name. Whilst the children are encouraged to take care of their belongings, they do occassionally go missing and if they are labelled, we can return them to their rightful owners.
  • Children will come into school via our classroom door from 8.40am and will leave at 3.20pm. 
  • Children will need to come into school in their PE kits every Monday.
  • A piece of fruit can be brought into school each day to be eaten at snack time (please cut up grapes as they can be a choking hazard). 
  • Water bottles need to be in school each day. 
  • Please send in some spare clothes to be kept in school.

If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to call the school office, send a message via Seesaw or wait at the end of the school day to speak to a staff member. 


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Files to Download

C.E. Primary School

Hough Green Road, Widnes, WA8 4PG