Year 3 2024 - 2025
Year 3 23-24
Mrs Hughes and Mrs Taylor would like to say a big hello to all our Year 3 families!
The children have settled in well and have been working really hard. They have shown determination to do their best all week! I'm delighted to say we have had lots of Love Value Dojos awarded already too!
Just a few updates
Our PE day at the moment is on a Thursday. Children will need to arrive in full PE kit on this day including trainers.
Homework is given out on a Monday each week and will need to be returned on Friday. The children will recieve their spellings, handwriting and times table practice. Our spelling test will take place on a Friday afternoon.
The children all have been given logins for Spelling Shed, Times Tables Rockstars and Seesaw. They should aim to practice on Spelling Shed and Times Tables Rockstars for about 30 minutes a week. We have a trophy for the children who participate most each week with the online games.
The children who are still completing the Read, Write, Inc Program will continue to bring home their books linked to the sounds they are covering that week. The other children will all have a book from the KS2 reading scheme. It is essential that they read every night to develop both their fluency and comprehension skills. In addition to their reading books, its important that the children read for pleasure too. For some children this will be reading themselves, other children can listen to an adult read to them. If you need to borrow a book from our class library, please pop in and choose at the end of the day.
Mrs Hughes's Tips To Extend Your Learning
- Use your times table rockstars app daily to build up table fluency.
- Use pickatale to read a range of texts along side your reading book.
- Edshed to practice weekly spellings and sounds.
Follow our Class Twitter Page - @Year 3ASU
This will help to keep you up to date with everything going on in our class!
You can also keep up with what we are doing on our class Seesaw page.