The documents below provide advice on how to apply for an in-year admission and the Local Authority form which must be completed and returned directly to school to apply for a place.
Please note, if you wish to request a current Reception place, these applications continue to be coordinated by the Local Authority until 31st December, so please contact the LA School Admissions Team up to this date.
A school tour can be accessed here:
2025 Admissions
The application system is now live and can be accessed at the site below.
HBC Admissions website
Closing Dates
Secondary School - 31st October 2024
Primary School - 15th January 2025
School Admissions Team
Phone: 0151 511 7271 / 7338 (9am-5pm, Mon-Fri)
Address: Rutland House, Runcorn, WA7 2GW